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Welcome to Art!

Art is a very important part of the curriculum at Diamond Path Elementary School of International Studies. The art curriculum includes an exploration of ideas and art concepts with an emphasis on the art elements and principles of design. The history of art will be explored and integrated into many lessons, focusing on how art is a reflection of culture.

The presentation of the art curriculum will draw from many resources such as original art, reproductions, slides, books, stories and films. The artwork will include the work of many artists and cultures from very ancient and primitive to quite contemporary, always exploring and wondering how the art was created and where ideas and inspirations come from. A wide range of materials and processes will be explored in the art classroom with a mixture of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional projects.

The arts are unique among academic subjects. They involve the whole student, integrating the head, the heart and the hands. They expand and refine students' imaginations, while developing their creative thinking skills. The arts take young people beyond casual observation and help them to truly see the world. For many students, the arts offer new pathways of learning.

Visit the Art Room on Instagram by following artists_of_diamondpath

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Candice Anthony-Cazenave

Art Teacher