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Special Education

Welcome to Special Education at Diamond Path!

Special education programs are available at Diamond Path for students who qualify for services. The students may be referred to our Child Study Team for an evaluation by their teachers or a parent. After an assessment is completed, the parents and the appropriate staff meet to review the assessment results and determine if special education eligibility criteria is met and services are needed. Parent involvement and input in this process are essential and parents are involved in decisions regarding their child's education.

The Special Education staff at Diamond Path provides a variety of services to students who need additional assistance in meeting their educational potential. They work closely with classroom teachers to provide the least restrictive learning environment possible for students. Services are individualized to meet each student’s needs with specific goals and objectives designed for the student.

The Special Education Department encompasses many specialized individuals. Please feel free to call us at Diamond Path with any questions you may have, 952-423-7695 or email specific members of the special education team by clicking on their name.

Meet Your Teachers and Support Staff

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Travis Rotegard

Sp Ed Resource Teacher
Diamond Path Elementary
Jenny Miller

jennifer miller

Special Education Teacher

Elizabeth Durand

Elizabeth Durand

Sp Ed Resource Teacher
Diamond Path Elementary
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adrienne chum

Occupational Therapist (OT)

Julie McMonagle

Julie McMonagle

Social Worker
Diamond Path Elementary
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Jackie Jensen-Gordon

Developmental/Adaptive Physical Education Teacher (DAPE)

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Susan Hart

Speech Language Pathologist

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Amy Voorhees

Teacher of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHOH)

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Jenna Williams

Teacher of the Physically Impaired